

jennifer1959 2021-09-18 16:42 177 次浏览 赞 79


  • 篮球手仙道彰

    Penny Black ( UK - 1840)
    The world's first postage stamp
    " Mauritius post" stamps ( Mauritius - 1847 )
    In 1847 September, the governor of Mauritius, holding the ball, for mailing invitations, the local post office issued two stamps, in denominations of 1 pence, 2 pence orange and blue, pattern for the British Queen Victoria side of head, each 500. This is most of the British colonies Early Stamp issue. Stamp by a man named Joseph, Dana watchmaker engraving, because it is the first time to do and he was very poor eyesight, the result will be" post paid" to" post office printing". But no one was found this mistake. At the end of the party, most invitations were lost, only a dozen stamps was a steamer to Europe and India. After 1869, it was found that the stamp errors. The envelope is found only in 1993 1, $5000000 at an auction. While the 1 pence Stamp Mint Stamps, 15 pieces, 2 pence, 12 pieces new. Are the world stamp.
    Isaacson crimson color variants ticket ( Isaacson 1850)
    In 1850 Isaacson joined the German-Austrian Postal Union, issued the first set of imperforate stamps, postage stamp of 3 Finney, letterpress printing, a total of 500000 medals in India, actually sold 463058, the rest of destruction. These stamps for mailing newspapers and magazines printed matter, in take out mail mostly abandoned ruin, therefore the scarcity of the world. While the wrong color tickets are much rarer variants. A used the wrong color variants ticket Quartet in March 14, 1987 500000 Mark auction.
    The missionary stamps ( Hawaii - 1850 )
    Hawaii in the 1851 issue of the first set of stamps, par 2, 5 points and 13 points. Since then the postmaster was a son of a preacher, and stick the stamp letters for more missionaries, the " missionary stamp " in the name of. The ticket ticket 2 auction price of $35000; 5 points for $35000; 13 points for 175000 dollars.
    3 Pinsky Lin Bangke wrong color ticket ( Sweden - 1855)
    The postage stamps issued in 1855, due to a printing mistake 3 workers were on Lin Bangke submodule misplaced in 8 shilling stamp printing, making the original green stamps printed in yellow. In 1894, the king his post with 400 pounds to buy. In 1922 to 694 pounds sold. In 1937 by the king of Romania with 5000 pound bought. In 1996 2270000 dollars to make high prices, is by far the world's most expensive stamps.
    British Guyana is a magenta ( Guyana - 1856 )
    At the beginning of 1856, the British Guyana local stamp shortages, the new printing are not from England to, so only in a local newspaper printing plant in the printing of a small amount of magenta catch 1 and blue 4 cent stamp. These stamps are printed in very rough. The magenta a stamp is mainly used for sticking with news, therefore very rare. In 1922, the United States of America philatelists Haindl bought for $32148. Haindl 's death, the stamp and a few easy hand, in 1980 the stamps for the $935000 film, is by far the world's second precious stamps.
    "The five hundred article" center inverted dragon stamps ( Japan - 1871)
    1953 is the name is J C Lin Silei of the United States of America stamp collectors buy, was caught in an exhibit," money five hundred the green dragon stamps" center text printed upside down. 1973 was a Japanese collectors with a $75000 price is bought, currently found only a.
    The Red Revenue small when one yuan stamps ( Manchu - 1897)
    In February 20, 1897, the Qing Dynasty Post was officially established, postage metering unit into a silver dollar system, but outside the committee the printed stamps failed to arrive, so the post office by Shanghai customs not yet used 3 dividend tax stamps affixed to when one yuan stamps and when Wu Yuan temporarily used stamps. But the first capped a number of when one yuan post office stamp too the word is too small, so no official, but there is still a small number of outflow. The results of red stamp one small element stamps found only 32 pieces. One small element used only one, in 1944 by philatelists as the horse to $1000, after new China was founded in 1956 July, donated to the China stamp museum.
    Palace is printing tickets ( ROC - 1915)
    The Chinese postal service in 1915 issue of the Beijing version of the old sailing ordinary stamps, which " Yuan" as the value main map stamps in Beijing, St. Paul as the main map, known as the" Palace tickets". In the printing part of face value 2 yuan stamps, for printing paper inverted, of palace pattern reversed, so called" reverse printed ticket gates". Known as the "Republic of four treasure" of the first, the results only 50. In May 20, 1996 in a Beijing auction for 380000 Yuan transactions.
    Inverted Jeanne ( USA - 1918)
    Inverted Jeanne, commonly known as" aircraft", issued in the USA in 1918. Due to a printing error, the stamps in the" Curtis Jeanne - 4" aircraft designs upside down, is estimated to be approximately 100 such wrong version stamp rare. Printing on an inverted so that the stamps worth a lot of money, in 2006, an" inverted Jeanne" about $500000 worth of.
    The post ( the people's Republic of China - 1953)
    On 1953, Chinese Ministry of Posts and telecommunications and military communication department jointly decided to issue a set of military stamps, in three, the same pattern, face value of the same color, shading were orange, brown and blue, in the Philatelic community known as the " Red Army post " and "yellow" mail" the post". Three stamp print runs were 42500000; 32500000; 32500000. Originally scheduled to be in 1953 September issued, but in the process found no mailbox code case easily leak unit designation, and the use of the object is not easy to control. So finally decided to stop. There was some yellow army postal service issued, and the post in August 24th India Bi, so out of little, become rarities. In 1999 August, a blues Quartet to post 3740000 Yuan prices shoot.
    Whole country is red ( the people's Republic of China - 1968)
    During the cultural revolution, to celebrate people's Republic of China in all provinces, city, autonomous region set up the Revolutionary Committee and in November 25, 1968 issued stamps, printed number 30000000, but before the issuance of the Beijing post office ahead of time has sold 500 Yu Mei. Due to the stamp Chinese border to Taiwan, and in white, was an editor map press report, subsequently the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications emergency announcement to suspend the sale, the future will no longer issue, destroyed. In addition, there are "the whole country is red" ticket, no formal printing. October 1, 1997 in Guangzhou organized by the China stamp Expo the first time exhibited a new 50 one full page "the whole country is red" stamps, this version is known as the " national treasure" level of the stamp, the market price of 10000000 yuan ( RMB ) above. In October 31, 2009, Hongkong cloth John stamp auction limited company held in the autumn of 2009 stamp auction, a sharp "the whole country is red" to 3680000 Hong Kong dollar refresh single Chinese stamp auction the highest bid price world record.

    黑便士 (英国 - 1840年)   世界第一枚邮票   毛里求斯“邮局”邮票 (毛里求斯 - 1847年)   1847年9月,毛里求斯总督夫人举行舞会,为邮寄请柬,当地邮局发行了两种邮票,面值分别为桔1便士和蓝色2便士,图案为英国维多利亚女王侧面头像,各500枚。这是英国殖民地最早发行的邮票。邮票由一位名叫约瑟夫·巴德纳的钟表匠雕刻,由于是第一次做而且他视力极差,结果将“post paid”印刷成“post office”。但是当时没有人发现这错误。舞会结束后,大部分请柬都被丢掉,只有十几枚邮票被一班船运到了欧洲和印度。1869年后,人们才发现这枚邮票的错误。目前实寄封仅发现1个,1993年以500万美元的价格拍出。而1便士邮票新票存世15枚,2便士新票存世12枚。均为世界珍邮。   萨克森深红色变体票(萨克森 - 1850年)   萨克森在1850加入德奥邮政联盟后,发行了第一套无齿邮票,邮票面值3芬尼,凸版印刷,共印50万枚,实际出463058枚,其余销毁。这些邮票寄杂志报纸等印刷品,在取出邮件后大部分都被弃毁,因此存世稀少。而错色变体票更加稀罕。一枚使用过的错色变体票四方连于1987年3月14日以50万马克的价格拍出。   传教士邮票 (夏威夷 - 1850年)   夏威夷在1851年发行了第一套邮票,面值有2分、5分和13分。由于当时的邮政局长是传教士的儿子,且贴这类邮票的信件多为传教士,故有“传教士邮票”之名。现该票新票2分拍卖价为35000美元;5分为35000美元;13分为175000美元。   3斯基林邦科错色票 (瑞典 - 1855年)   该邮票发行于1855年,由于印刷工人当时错把3斯基林邦科的子模错置在8先令邮票的印版中,使得原本绿色的邮票印成了。1894年,邮王费拉里用400英镑买走。1922年又以694英镑卖出。1937年被罗马尼亚国王以5000英镑买走。1996年以227万美元的高价拍出,是迄今为止世界最贵的邮票。   英属圭亚那一分洋红(圭亚那 - 1856年)   1856年初,英属圭亚那当地的邮票短缺,新印刷的还未从英国送到,因此只能在当地报纸印刷厂内赶印了少量的洋红色1分和蓝色4分邮票。这些邮票印刷的非常粗糙。其中洋红色一分邮票主要用来贴用新闻报,因此非常罕见。1922年,美国集邮家海因德以32148美元的高价买走。海因德逝世后,该邮票又数易人手,1980年该邮票以93.5万美元的高价拍出,是迄今为止世界第二贵的邮票。   “钱五百文”中心倒印龙票:( - 1871年)   1953年被一名名为J·C·林斯雷的美国集邮者购得,当时是夹在一本邮集中,“钱五百文”绿色龙票的中心文字印倒了。1973年被一名集邮者以75000美元的价格买走,目前已发现的仅一枚。   红印花小字当壹元邮票(满清 - 1897年)   1897年2月20日,大清邮政正式成立,邮费计量单位改为银元制,但是委外印刷的邮票未能及时运到,因此邮局采用上海海关库存的尚未使用的3分红印花税票加盖成当壹元邮票和当伍元邮票暂使用。但是最初加盖的一批当壹元邮票邮局嫌字太小,因此没有再加盖,但仍有少量流出。目前存世红印花小壹元邮票仅发现32枚。小壹元旧票仅见一枚,在1944年被集邮家马任全以1000美元,成立后于1956年7月捐献给中国邮票博物馆。   宫门倒印票( - 1915年)   邮政于1915年发行的北京老版帆船普通邮票,其中以“元”为面值主图的邮票是以北京国子监牌坊作为主图的,通称“宫门票”。在印刷部分面值2元的邮票时,因套印的纸张倒置,造成图中宫门图案颠倒,因此称为“宫门倒印票”。被称为“四珍”之首,目前存世仅50枚。1996年5月20日在北京的一个拍卖会上以38万成交。   倒置的珍妮 (美国 - 1918年)   倒置的珍妮,俗称“倒飞机”,于1918年在美国发行。由于印刷错误,邮票中的“柯蒂斯·珍妮-4”飞机的图案上下倒置,估计大约有100张这样的错版邮票存世。印刷上的倒置使该邮票身价不菲,在2006年,一张“倒置的珍妮”大约价值50万美元。   蓝邮(共和国 - 1953年)   1953年中国邮电部和委通信部联合决定发行一套用邮票,分三枚,图案相同,面值相同,底纹刷色则分别为桔红色、棕色和蓝色,在集邮界俗称为“红邮”“黄邮”“蓝邮”。三种邮票印量分别为4250万枚;3250万枚;3250万枚。本来拟定于1953年9月开始下发使用,但是在下发过程中发现没有信箱代号的情况下容易泄露部队番号,而且使用对象不易控制。因此最后决定停用。当时已有部分黄邮下发,而蓝邮在8月24日才印毕,因此流出极少,成为珍邮。1999年8月,一枚蓝邮四方连以374万元的价格拍出。   全国山河一片红(共和国 - 1968年)   文化大期间,为庆祝共和国全国各省、市、自治区成立委员会而在1968年11月25日发行的邮票,印刷数量3000万枚,但在发行前北京邮局已提前出500余枚。由于该邮票的中国边境线不准,且是以白色处理,被地图出版社一名编辑检举,随后邮电部紧急宣布暂停发,今后也不再发行,全部销毁。另外,还有“大全国山河一片红”的票样,没有正式印刷。1997年10月1日在广州举办的中国邮票博览会首次展出了全新50枚一整版“全国山河一片红”邮票,这版堪称“国宝”级的珍邮,市场价在1000万元()以上。2009年10月31日,在布约翰邮票拍卖有限公司举行的2009年秋季邮票拍卖会上,一枚大幅“全国山河一片红”以368万港元刷新单枚中国邮票拍卖最高成交价世界纪录。

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