
神仙姐姐S 2021-09-19 09:32 388 次浏览 赞 126


  • 长虹饮练


    浏览 434赞 70时间 2023-09-18
  • 纳兰依若

    Problem complement: summary
    This course is designed to design a machine with full liquid type evaporator. This design is one of the evaporator at a given refrigerating capacity = 72 kw, coolant temperature, evaporation temperature = 2 ℃, the condensing temperature = 40 ℃, the refrigerant of R22. Refrigerant water inlet temperature = 12 ℃, the outlet temperature of the refrigerant water = 7 ℃. The design process mainly include thermal calculation, heat transfer calculation, water flow resistance calculation, structure design and calculation, strength calculation and strength check calculation, etc. Whole design with the heat transfer design calculation first begin, design calculation and structure design of heat transfer calculation cross each other, then the calculation of water flow resistance and selection of components, the strength calculation and strength check.
    The design content of this design include the selection of heat exchange tube and the number of processes, the arrangement of the heat exchange tube arrangement, selection of length, cylinder, plate, flange bolts, selection of tube plate and the gaskets and other parts. This design involves the "heat transfer", "refrigeration principle and equipment, the principle of heat exchanger and the design of the fluid mechanics" and "descriptive geometry" and so on multi-disciplinary knowledge and selection of process parameters. Through these calculations, we design a 4 process, heat exchange tube length and the ratio of the shell inside diameter of 6.495 full liquid type evaporator.
    Keywords: evaporator is filled with liquid heat transfer design structure design

    浏览 412赞 79时间 2022-04-13
