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新驰销售一部 2021-09-18 16:33 331 次浏览 赞 157


  • gracesea123

    2, guilt, self-recrimination love -- Claude situation of the tragedy and the tragedy is different Romanticism in the 19th century American author Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" is a description of Hester and clergy Bailan • • Arthur Mei Ding Slovakia Intel tragedy of love, their love, the situation is difficult, very difficult. Entries to the brutal regime of Puritan rule under the North American colonial period as a backdrop, the heroine Hester • French Cafe, As guilty of the crime of adultery and not confessed accomplice, the puritanical regime thrown into prison, lifelong stigma of wearing red A word Chronicles (A word adultery is the first letter), as admonished people to live specimens, People are despised and scorned. Hester is young, beauty of the woman, but the man I married an older aging, abnormal posture husband, she did not feel love, In her missing husband, youth pastor Dimmesdale entered her lonely life, she fell in love with the priest. The pursuit of pure love, eager and happy life, this is a live woman's right to life and reasonable demands, but She has been a Puritan regime of punishment, life wearing red public. Dimmesdale is a knowledgeable, and the long-term prospects for teachers, very early on to set up a dedicated religious ideals. However, the impoverished life of the church and rigid dogma, although the detention 1:00 Dimmesdale such devout followers of the mind, But to see a "slender body, may pose to the integrity of a beautiful grand, blackened foothills hair so shiny, Blazing sunshine colors, her face, remove the shiny color correct and beautiful facial features, There emphasizing forehead and deep black eyes "Hester, his" human dignity "on the revival, and finally defeated "God" with Hester happened relations, but religious spirit as opiate like poison his soul. his mind deep-rooted religious concept has long been stifled his love and the desire happiness, he sent his love and Hester relations as "an affront to the sanctity of the law." Since he regarded as a sinner should be punished, but do not dare to openly assume their guilt. He is both afraid of and Hester together wearing red Chronicles, fearing God does not forgive him. To repentance, he used the room beaten bloody whip themselves, and constantly tortured, his conscience without the slightest peace, "poor priest posed a physical disease of pain, a very troubled soul were not tortured, He also mercy of the whims of deadly foe. " "At this moment, he was in his sacred duties, has been a splendid reputation," got him into the abyss of endless pain, he almost lost his mind. His spirit has been at the forefront of suffering and evil futile remorse, much tortured soul, and finally crushing, Religion has become a victim of poison. From these two figures the situation, let us see the two broken souls how were groaning in pain, struggling in despair, Dimmesdale in their head of a sky, there has been unable to quell his own turmoil. Hester sense of puzzlement, suspicion and craziness were also stirred by the dark head of her own sky, inner world situation and the external environment in a difficult situation, the tragedy of their doomed fate.

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