
要有作者,发表的刊物,发表时间谢谢了~~知道的把文献贴出来吧,我要的不只是个题目哦~~ 并且是一篇完整的文献哈~

ellalikesyou 2021-09-19 09:49 454 次浏览 赞 158


  • 霸王V风月

    the "Child Development
    08 4 19In the process of teaching moral education, teachers is the key. Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: "One can not train for the socialist construction of qualified people to cultivate moral, intellectual, physical all-round development of socialist consciousness of workers of culture, the key is the teacher." In the process of moral teaching, teacher education The key is to make students to be the main moral. Students are not passive objects of moral education, the role of education of any student must be a rational choice can be achieved, teachers are shaping the soul of students, students in a passive position, and many moral knowledge students are able to understand, but has not really carried out within the , and it was accepted, students can not be true in life to pursue a code of conduct, let alone a spiritual experience pleasure. In view of this, students must be allowed to become the subject of moral education. First, the development of student ability to distinguish ween right and wrong moral judgments and to develop students of rational thought. Moral education is often a clear-cut stand in favor of or against certain ideas or behavior. In addition to the living environment of students in schools also have social and family. In many cases, thinking and behavior of students with the ethical standards of education in schools and control can not be fully anticipated, the control of student behavior is their moral judgments. The development of moral judgments and moral emotions, moral will, and ethical behavior necessary precondition for development and infrastructure. Therefore, the moral development of students to moral judgments and the ability to distinguish ween right and wrong as a matter of priority. However, in the process of moral education, teachers tend to enter into a misunderstanding, that is not moral education of students as the main body, with the revolutionary martyrs, advanced character, deeds and other advanced students flaunt style of moral education so that students with these examples of figures for the specimens, according to this model to regulate their own ethical behavior, testing the quality of their ideas, in this way students not only from a sense of

    浏览 352赞 71时间 2022-06-04


要有作者,发表的刊物,发表时间谢谢了~~知道的把文献贴出来吧,我要的不只是个题目哦~~ 并且是一篇完整的文献哈~