

cool100886 2021-09-18 16:46 489 次浏览 赞 85


  • 梦回红楼

    出生在没有儿子的家庭里各有不同性格的四(朴预珍、雨善、朴恩慧、李润美)和们之间堕落在命运式爱河里的男人们展开新生活的。。。。 一名17岁的小柔,她常与好友陈莉出双入对。一名来自富庶家庭,被寄予重望的独生女,聪明美丽,以自我为中心,我行我素,开朗、傲慢。一日,小柔与浩君擦身而过,二人一见钟情,唯浩君不敢表达爱意,令小柔按奈不住向浩君示爱,浩君亦承认一直深爱对方,甘愿为小柔改变自己,可是,二人轰轰烈烈的爱情要面临重大考验。。。 此为《爱情万岁》接档戏。这是部关於四个的和他们的爱情。朴艺珍将饰演大,会有两个男人爱上她。而二的角色유;선;(刘善)饰演和小将由 park eun hye饰演,她将爱上个父亲反对的男人。。。其它演员有김;호;진;(金昊振)及金正铉。 以四个为主轴,描述她们对人生观、爱情的不同,进而引起与家人之间的最后终於获得谅解。 一个渴望得到儿子却始终无法实现自己愿望的自私父亲和他倔强的四个女儿,大女儿惠德因为家人的期待,不能自如的表达自己的心事,个性倔强而直率的二女儿美德虽然总是受到家人的岐视,却比谁都努力的保护家人,三女儿性情温顺,小女儿仁德虽然不懂事,但她性个很开朗,惠德的家庭教师---贤宇对惠德表现出真挚的爱情,但美德,也不知不觉的爱上了姊姊的初恋贤宇,该剧通过这些不同性格,不同人生观,不同立场的四个女儿之间错综复杂的爱情关系来描述了家人之间的,痛苦和原谅。 【韩剧《小妇人》人物介绍】: 郑大木 (林采武饰) 父亲,重男轻女,因为膝下没有儿子,所以常常在外,以前是富家子弟但财产全被他败光,常靠高利贷度日,被讨债公司人员追打,连累家人,子女受害。他对太太,子女常常力相向。 允子(金海淑饰) 母亲,因为没生儿子,一辈子被丈夫大木踩在脚底下。勤俭持家,对家人子女默默付出。 郑惠德 (朴艺真饰) 老大,很会念书,在家中所有事情,大木都以她为重。爱上家教贤宇,但因同情美德也爱上贤宇,后来和贤的好友俊郝交往,形成一段三角恋 。 郑美德 (柳善饰) 老二,很会打架,像假小子一样说话动作都很粗鲁,但是心地善良,非常为家人著想。帮还债,努力考取电视编剧,孝顺母亲。 郑娴德 (朴恩惠饰) 老三,个性非常内向又很害羞。但很有主见,不顾父母的反对,坚持嫁给心爱的穷小子,最后终於获得谅解 。 郑仁德 (李润美饰) 老么,个性活泼,有话直说,响往歌星生涯,认真靠自己的努力往目标迈进。 朴贤宇 (金浩振饰) 大,因家境清寒,担任惠德的英文家教,惠德和美德二都被他吸引。家境贫寒,因惠德嫁给自己最要好的朋友俊赫,而伤心离开… 李俊郝 ((金正贤饰) 贤宇的同学,很要好的朋友,是一位心地善良,乐於帮助他人,但也同时爱上好朋友的初恋惠德。最后终於抱得美人归。 车一道 (李莞饰) 家境清寒的孤儿,娴德心爱的男人,但受到父亲的强烈反对,最后不家人的反对,跟他结婚… 卢建泰 (吴大奎饰) 美德的编剧,两人后来相爱,有终成眷属… 硕万 美德的高中同学… 大鹏 美德的高中同学…

    浏览 318赞 109时间 2022-10-07
  • 烧卖吃饱了

    Meg:Meg disdains the hypocrisy of the high
    society and chooses a life of poverty in pursuit of true love. Despite the
    hardship of life after marriage, she still realizes that "poverty is not a
    bad thing" because poverty gives her husband the courage to start a
    career, which makes their life more meaningful, in her, reflects the emotional
    self-improvement of women.

    Jo: Jo, as the core protagonist of the novel, acts as the leader of the little sisters. She always shows a strong and optimistic, self-reliant personality; she loves writing, on the one hand, because writing brings her happiness, on the other hand, writing is to maintain her independence A way for her to provide everything she needs without asking for a penny.Through her unremitting efforts to become a writer and start a school, she also strongly demanded independence after marriage, asking “To bear my share, I have to be busy earning money to support my family ", reflecting the self-improvement of women in their careers.

    Beth:Beth takes on the task of taking care of
    her sisters at the time her mother arrived at the frontline to look after her
    seriously ill father. She loves her family, the poor and the weak without
    asking for a reward. The dolls abandoned by the sisters, she cherishes even
    more; later Beth is sick and is dying. In front of death, Beth accepted
    frankly, without fear, because she believed that death was a fusion with nature
    and reflected the moral strength of women in her.

    Amy:As the youngest daughter, Amy, although a
    little coquettish, she dreamed of becoming a great artist and made unremitting
    efforts to this end. She did not doubt about her ability even after being
    frustrated and mocked. After marriage, she did not give up everything for the
    family according to tradition, but to continue her artistic pursuit. Sympathy
    for the poor drives her to commit to charity, which reflects the
    self-improvement of women.

    浏览 373赞 98时间 2022-04-06

