论文摘要翻译 旅游信息管理

Meow儿儿 2021-09-19 09:45 200 次浏览 赞 151


  • 长平公主

    The Tourism information management system developped for greaduating design provides a operating faltform which has a sort management on information and specifically divides related tourism information into several moudles. including tourism information management moudle,tourist information management moudle,guide management moudle,personnel management module,vehicle management module and sysmetical management module,etc.This flateform also has function like ADD,MODIFY,DELETE,INQUIRE,etc.

    浏览 411赞 121时间 2022-09-03
  • 精灵酱酱儿

    我的和你一样,没有关系的不会影响的。主要原因 可能是分区时没有激活,还有就是要像刷主板BOSS一样 刷一下。固态硬盘如果开机在13秒左右就很正常了(360一般13秒。QQ管家8秒),跑分纯属扯蛋。顺便罗嗦一下 固态硬盘就是提高读取速度的,开机速...

    浏览 407赞 69时间 2022-01-28

论文摘要翻译 旅游信息管理