
V大米爸爸V 2021-09-19 09:47 241 次浏览 赞 136


  • 燕园小西

    宁波作为港口城市,自对外开放政策实施以来,其经济发展伴随着对外贸易的迅速发展而高速增长。 As a port city of ningbo, since the opening policy since the implementation of, and its economic development along with the rapid development of foreign trade and growth. 然而,全球金融之后,宁波乃至全国的外贸都面临着严峻的考验。 However, after the global financial crisis, ningbo and even the whole country foreign trade are faced with severe test. 宁波的对外贸易发展环境不容乐观,出口对经济的牵动作用下降。 Ningbo foreign trade development environment not optimistic on exports, the economy affects the function decline. 本文拟通过对宁波对外贸易发展环境现状的优劣势及成因的分析,提出解决宁波外贸发展劣势的对策及建议,实现宁波对外贸易经济的增长,以带动整个宁波经济的发展。 This paper tries to ningbo foreign trade development environment of the present situation of the advantages and disadvantages and the analysis of the causes and puts forward the solution to ningbo foreign trade development strategies and Suggestions to the disadvantages, and realize the ningbo foreign trade and economic growth, to drive the ningbo economic development. 希望对你有帮助,望采纳O(∩_∩)O哈哈~有什么不懂继续追问

    浏览 164赞 75时间 2023-02-08
