潮汕地区 美食风景 英文 介绍 pre讲稿

急要!!!求原创!! 潮汕地区 美食风景 英文 介绍 pre讲稿 大学生课堂pre介绍家乡 没有做PPT 所以只靠嘴巴讲不要太抽象的 神马汕头牛肉丸呀、潮州八景啊这些的 不是写作文所以不要复制粘贴那些正儿八经句式太复杂的 谢谢!!

夏天的风kiki 2021-09-19 09:51 476 次浏览 赞 118


  • 一粒砂的梦想

    In Shantou travel, food must not miss, because the food is a unique scenery line. Shantou high quality and inexpensive, there are a large number of excellent chefs, all over the world have more Chaoshan food restaurant, but the price is high, in Shantou can enjoy high quality and inexpensive authentic Chaoshan food. Coarse fine to do tide Shan snack economic benefits, have love, new dry beef balls and other seven Chinese snack varieties and Chaoshan drop soup money three Guangdong snack varieties. Each year Shantou city holds various forms of food festivals, including the eastern region 's largest Chaoshan food festival has organized the eight, opened a special Shantou food characteristic tourism line. Shantou is located in Chaoshan region of popular Chaozhou cuisine, Guangdong cuisine it is one of the three.

    浏览 476赞 79时间 2023-04-08
  • 烈香杜鹃7366


    浏览 311赞 112时间 2022-06-17

潮汕地区 美食风景 英文 介绍 pre讲稿

急要!!!求原创!! 潮汕地区 美食风景 英文 介绍 pre讲稿 大学生课堂pre介绍家乡 没有做PPT 所以只靠嘴巴讲不要太抽象的 神马汕头牛肉丸呀、潮州八景啊这些的 不是写作文所以不要复制粘贴那些正儿八经句式太复杂的 谢谢!!