
咩丝忒酷 2021-09-19 09:47 317 次浏览 赞 150


  • 没想法咯

    A possible version:
    Dear Editor,
    Now in the countryside of China, many children are dropping out of school. One of the reasons is that school fees are too high for many poor families. Another reason is that some parents are so short-sighted that they are eager to let their children earn money for the family. Worse still, some people hold the idea that it is useless for girls to go to school. As a result, many girls have to stay at home and do housework instead of studying at school.
    In my opinion, / To my understanding, children today will play an important part in the future of our country. The whole society, especially parents, should give children the right to be educated.
    Li Hua


    浏览 282赞 100时间 2022-09-09
