
我是一只喵 2021-09-18 16:43 471 次浏览 赞 106


  • 晓云1123


    Dear Peter,
    I'm so glad to hear from you. You
    asked me about whom I admire,
    I'd like to talk to you about it. There
    are many people around us and
    everyone has someone to look up to,
    such as our parents, teachers,
    doctors, policemen and so on. The
    people I admire the most are
    cleaners. They work very hard every
    day in order to keep our city clean
    and tidy. They have to get up early
    every day and start working when
    we are still in our dreams , they get
    off work till late. They don't work just
    for themselves, but also for us, for
    the whole city. Some people think
    are dirty and don't want to get close
    to them. It's not right. They make
    our city beautiful through their effort,
    we should respect them and their
    hard work. Who do you amire the
    most ? Look forward to hearing
    from you soon.

    意思是, Peter, 很高兴收到你的来信, 你问我最敬佩的人是谁。我们身边有很多人, 每个人都有自己敬佩的人, 比如父母, , 医生等等。我最敬佩的人是清洁工, 她们为了让城市干净整洁, 每天辛苦工作。我们还在睡梦中时她们就得起床, 开始工作, 每天早出晚归。她们不仅是为自己工作, 更是为我们, 为整个城市。
    有的人觉得他们不干 净, 不愿意跟他们接触, 这是不对的。他们的辛劳换来我们干净美丽的城市, 我们应该尊重他们
    和他们的劳动。你最敬佩谁呢?期待你的回信。 全手打, 望采纳!

    浏览 383赞 131时间 2022-10-14

