
大料酱VS小麋鹿 2021-09-19 09:35 446 次浏览 赞 51


  • 亲亲E宝贝

    别挤啦  【英国】狄更斯  你,不要挤!
    Don't crowd! 【British 】 dickens you, don't squeeze!
    世界那么大,  它容纳得了我,也容纳得了你。
    The world so big, it contains got me, also accommodate got you.
    所有的大门都敞开着,  思想的王国是自由的天地。
    All the doors are open, the thought of the kingdom of heaven and earth is free.
    你可以尽情地追求,  追求那人间最好的一切。
    You can eat and pursue, pursue the earth all the best.
    只是你得保证,  保证你自己不使别人感到压抑。
    You just have to make sure that, ensure that you don't make others feel depressed.
    不要把善良从心灵深处挤走,  更得严防丑恶偷偷潜入你心底。
    Don't put the kind heart in crowded go from, more have to defend ugly sneaking into your heart.
    给道德以应有的地位,  给每一件好事以恰当的鼓励;
    Give to the status of moral due, for every good thing in the proper encouragement;
    让每一天成为一项严峻的记录,  面对着它,你应当问心无愧;
    Let each day become a serious records, face it, you should have a clear conscience; and
    给别人生的权利,活的余地,  不要挤,千万不要挤!
    To others the right to life, living room, don't squeeze, must no

    浏览 394赞 122时间 2023-11-16
