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    浏览 243赞 90时间 2022-10-25
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    Formation of diacetyl by cell-free extracts of Leuconostoc lactis

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    Kieran N. Jordana, , , Margie O'donoghueb, Seamus Condonb and timothy M. Cogana

    a Teagasc, National Dairy Products Research Centre, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland

    b Department of Microbiology, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

    Received 28 May 1996; revised 19 July 1996; accepted 14 August 1996. ; Available online 22 March 1999.

    Diacetyl formation was linear with time and with protein concentration when a cell-free extract of Leuconostoc lactis NCW1 was added to a buffer system containing pyruvate, thiamine pyrophosphate and MgS4 (final concentrations 60 mM, 0.11 mM and 0.22 mM, respectively). No diacetyl was detected in the absence of pyruvate or cell-free extract and no increase in diacetyl formation was detected on the addition of acetyl-CoA. When 2-acetolactate (1.6 mM) was the substrate, autodecarboxylation to diacetyl and acetoin occurred under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. When cell-free extract was added, decarboxylation of 2-acetolactate to acetoin and diacetyl increased 4–6-fold, under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. When the cell-free extract was boiled, diacetyl formation from 2-acetolactate was reduced to the level of autodecarboxylation. The results suggest that diacetyl is formed enzymatically in the presence and absence of oxygen, as well as spontaneously, from 2-acetolactate.

    浏览 232赞 107时间 2022-05-27
