
壹只头俩只脑 2021-09-18 16:43 398 次浏览 赞 125


  • 健健康康。

    I'm glad to receive your letter asking about the school condition during the last 20 years, and I'm presenting you with a completely new school now.Great changes have taken place since you graduated. The shool has rebuilt our teacing building as well as enlarged our playgroud, alongwith a newly built tennis court and a swimming pool, making our schooltime far more enjoyable.What's more, the teaching methods have changed, too. School teachers encourage us to broaden our horizons and develop varying interests instead of studying hard all day as before. This revolution leaves us more time to take part in after-school activities, which contributes to the richment of our life in shool.Are you satisfied with my answer? Hope to hear from you soon.Yours,

    浏览 488赞 94时间 2023-04-01

