
要求80单词左右 内容小明在今年春天去北京参加了希望之星演讲比赛,在那里他有生以来第一次遇到了沙尘暴,天空黑沉沉的,地上都是沙子,行人和车流寸步难行

triangelrain 2021-09-18 16:42 254 次浏览 赞 124


  • woshiyujiaolong

    Xiao-Ming in the spring of this year went to Beijing and took part in the Star of Hope speech contest, on that day he first saw a sandstorm. That had a very clear sky, but suddenly the sky became dark, the ground is sand, unable to move pedestrians and traffic. This is his very scared because he remembers the first time encountered a dust storm.

    浏览 389赞 70时间 2023-08-17


要求80单词左右 内容小明在今年春天去北京参加了希望之星演讲比赛,在那里他有生以来第一次遇到了沙尘暴,天空黑沉沉的,地上都是沙子,行人和车流寸步难行