
PaperwizPx 2021-09-19 09:49 439 次浏览 赞 126


  • 咚董董动

    are many factors that go into causing cancer in an individual. Genetics is big
    factor because it has been found that cancer runs in a family. Each type of
    cancer has a different risk factor. Living a healthy lifestyle, however, will
    reduce your chances of getting any cancer.

    smoking is one of the most important health decisions you can make. It can
    reduce your risk of several cancers. Secondly, recent studies indicate that
    people with plenty of vitamin D in their blood are 4 times less likely to
    develop cancer. Thirdly, make sure you eat a variety of healthy food to prevent
    obesity and other issues of nutrition. One more thing, research suggests that exercising
    regularly may also play a role in preventing cancer and other diseases.


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