是r语言好用还是 stata好用

wangeunice 2021-09-18 16:33 423 次浏览 赞 63


  • 车厘子妈妈

    常用的 Excel、SPSS、SAS、 R语言、stata、MATLAB等 Excel SPSS 作相对容易一些 sc-cpda 分析公众交流平台 详细【我】

    浏览 225赞 108时间 2023-10-15
  • 芳芳Flora

    sysuse auto, clear
    summarize mpg weight
    //summarize 后面可以接一个或多个变量,个数 均值 最小最大值
    summarize mpg, detail
    help summarize
    tabulate mpg, sort
    tabulate foreign
    help tabulate
    sysuse nlsw88, clear
    tab occ
    tab industry
    sysuse auto, clear
    tabstat mpg price weight rep78 , stat(n mean sd min median max) c(s)
    help tabstat
    //可以规定format 总长度多少个单位,小数点前面,后面有多少个单位,统一成一个格式
    tabstat mpg price weight rep78 , by(foreign) stat(n mean sd min median max) c(s)

    ssc install logout
    logout, save(summarize) tex word excel dec(3) replace: tabstat mpg price weight rep78 , stat(n mean sd min median max) column(s) long format
    //不建议导出成tex word 因为在Excel还要进一步编辑,xml格式的可以在excel打开 rtf是可以从word打开 就可以应用在论文里面了。replace替换原来的 dec(3)代表小数点后统一保留三位数,replace后面与之前一模一样 ,column是列
    logout, save(summarize) tex word excel dec(3) replace: tabstat mpg price weight rep78 , by(foreign) stat(n mean sd min median max) c(s)

    use nei_sample.dta, clear
    duplicates tag newid year, gen(dup)
    edit newid year if dup >= 195
    duplicates drop newid year, force
    help merge
    duplicates drop newid year, force
    merge m:1 fips year using "county_na.dta"
    //有三部分的merge,merge=1和2是不需要的地方 只保留3(matched) 因为没有企业的观测值(0),而mrege=1则是有企业的观测值(1),而merge=2没有政策的观测值(0)(观测到了企业污染,却没有观察到关于政策的变量)

    foreach v of varlist reg_* {
    replace `v'= 0 if `v' == .
    reg co reg_co
    gen lco = ln(co)
    reg lco reg_co
    //add a set of dummies(虚拟变量), tear , industry, county
    gen fips_st = substr(fips,1,2)
    gen sic2 = substr(sic,1,2)
    gen sic1 = substr(sic2,1,1)
    keep if sic1 == "2" | sic == "3"
    //manufacturing only
    gen lco = log(co)
    //generate log
    reg lco reg_co
    xi: reg lco reg_co i.year
    //with year FE (根据每一年不一样回归 )
    bys year: egen id_sum = count(newid)
    xi : reg lco reg_co id_sum i.year
    //with year FE, multicolinearity
    xi : reg lco reg_co i.year i.sic2
    //with industry FE(不同产业的影响)
    xi : reg lco reg_co i.year i.sic2 i.fips_st
    //with state FE(省对环境保护的压力的影响)
    xi : reg lco reg_co i.year i.sic2 i.fips
    //with county FE
    xtset newid year
    //set panelex
    xi: reg lco reg_co i.newid
    xi: xtreg lco reg_co, fe
    //先进行差分 (常用)

    xi: xtreg lco reg_co i.year , fe
    xi: xtreg lco reg_co i.year i.fips_st, fe
    //state fe
    xi: xtreg lco reg_co i.year i.sic2, fe
    //industry fe
    //下标都是固定效益 用希腊字母带下标 c是位置 j是行业 t为第t年的宏观经济形势/技术进步(系统性) i表示企业自身的固定效益,是观察不到的个体特征因素(有些企业管理水平天生高,低)
    sort newid sic2
    by newid: gen newsic2 = sic2[_N]
    xi: xtreg lco reg_co i.newsic2, fe

    //two-way fised effects with firm fixed effects

    xi:xtreg lco reg_co i.teay*i.newsic2, fe
    //industry-year FE

    xi:xtreg lco reg_co i.teay*i.fips_st, fe

    findit outreg2

    qui xi: xtreg lco reg_co i.year , fe
    outreg2 using result.xls, excel keep(reg_co) dec(3) addtext(Firm FE, Y,Year FE,Y,State-Year FE,n,Industry-Year FE,n)
    //dec(3)代表小数点后3位数 导出成excel格式

    qui xi: xtreg lco reg_co i.year*i.sic2 , fe
    outreg2 using result.xls, excel keep(reg_co) dec(3) addtext(Firm FE, Y,Year FE,Y,State-Year FE,n,Industry-Year FE,n)

    qui xi: xtreg lco reg_co i.year*i.sic2 i.year*i.fips_st , fe
    outreg2 using result.xls, excel keep(reg_co) dec(3) addtext(Firm FE, Y,Year FE,Y,State-Year FE,n,Industry-Year FE,n)

    17 本溪沈阳 任延昊 2019/5/6 20:14:42
    cd /Victor/stata
    findit spmap
    help spmap
    unicode encoding set gb18030
    unicode translate "china_label.dta"
    //必须先清零,然后运行一遍路径名 才能运行这两行命令
    use "china_label.dta", clear
    //example 1
    use china_label, clear
    gen xx = uniform()
    spmap xx using "china_map.dta", id(id) title("中国地图",size(*0.8)) label(label(ename) xcoord(x_coord) ycoord(y_coord) size(*.8)) plotregion(icolor(stone)) graphregion(icolor(stone)) fc(Greens) clnumber(8) oc(white ..) osize(medthin ..)
    //clnumbers 代表8种不同的绿色
    //example 2
    tab name
    replace name = subinstr(name, "省", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "市", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "回族自治区", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "壮族自治区", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "特别行政区", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "自治区", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "维吾尔", "", .)
    tab name
    foreach x of numlist 1/5{
    gen num `x'=uniform()
    format x %9.3g
    foreach x of numlist 1/5{
    spmap `x' using "china_map.dta",id(id) title("中国地图", size(*0.8)) label(label(ename) xcoord(x_coord) ycoord(y_coord) size(*.8)) plotregion(icolor(stone)) graphregion(icolor(stone)) fc(Greens) clnumber(8) oc(white ..) osize(medthin ..) graph export "china0`x'.png", replace
    cd /Victor/stata
    findit spmap
    help spmap
    unicode encoding set gb18030
    unicode translate "china_label.dta"
    //必须先清零,然后运行一遍路径名 才能运行这两行命令
    use "china_label.dta", clear
    //example 1
    use china_label, clear
    gen xx = uniform()
    spmap xx using "china_map.dta", id(id) title("中国地图",size(*0.8)) label(label(ename) xcoord(x_coord) ycoord(y_coord) size(*.8)) plotregion(icolor(stone)) graphregion(icolor(stone)) fc(Greens) clnumber(8) oc(white ..) osize(medthin ..)
    //clnumbers 代表8种不同的绿色
    //example 2
    tab name
    replace name = subinstr(name, "省", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "市", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "回族自治区", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "壮族自治区", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "特别行政区", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "自治区", "", .)
    replace name = subinstr(name, "维吾尔", "", .)
    tab name
    foreach x of numlist 1/5{
    gen num `x'=uniform()
    format x %9.3g
    foreach x of numlist 1/5{
    spmap `x' using "china_map.dta",id(id) title("中国地图", size(*0.8)) label(label(ename) xcoord(x_coord) ycoord(y_coord) size(*.8)) plotregion(icolor(stone)) graphregion(icolor(stone)) fc(Greens) clnumber(8) oc(white ..) osize(medthin ..) graph export "china0`x'.png", replace

    浏览 156赞 106时间 2022-11-05

是r语言好用还是 stata好用