
happppylee 2021-09-18 16:35 289 次浏览 赞 151


  • 荔枝爱苹果




    3.作模式c 是作模式b的延伸扩展,在作模式c中可调节气压将由一种中性气体生成。这也可能引发易燃性以及有毒气体(注意原料的浓度!)用这种可调节式压力调节阀可同时控制多个圆顶,以保证在多个圆顶减压阀并联时其规则特性相同。

    1999年 3月


    5. 打开出口阀门和阀前压力处的单项阀门,以次检测,减压阀在关闭的状态下不会出现泄漏。

    6. 将针式活塞c旋转半周打开

    7. 慢慢打开针式活塞b,使可调气体流入圆顶,此时应该注意压力计上的最低压力,直到达到希望的压力值。再次关闭活塞b和c,如果圆顶压力调的太高,最低压力将从圆顶散发出来。因此要监视最低压力计并且在达到希望的压力值时,关闭针式活塞和塞状螺丝。现在减压阀已经设置完毕并且可投入使用。


    浏览 394赞 100时间 2024-02-23
  • 魔女在彼岸

    1.der cathedral pressure-reducing valve is gefullt with a defined actuating pressure. the mode of operation A applies, to if that behind printing p2 to remain unverandert is and variations in temperature irrelevant is.
    2. of the domdrukminderer in ribsart the b is headed for by means of adjust-auxiliaryactive defined miteienem from the form line, otherable, actuating pressure, the tax automatic controller ween form line and control port in the cathedral built the behind pressure relief (appropriate tax automatic controller) prevents a temperature-dependent steuerdruckveranderung and thus remain-remaining that adjusted pressure p2 constantly.

    3.die mode of operation C corresponds to a large extent to the mode of operation b, wobel the actuating pressure by a neutral is gas-produced .das ermoglicht anstuerung the also inflammable and more malicious gasses (on werkstoffvertraglichkeiten respected!) with an actuating pressure automatic controller also several konnen cathedral-headed for, like that with parallel connections by cathedral pressure-reducing valves same characteristics of regulation are aware of-performed.
    im reflect the technical progress reserve themselves we and run towards one

    stand: marz 1999

    4. the plug screw A and the needle valve b must draw will, thus eventuellim a cathedral varhandener gas pressure is eased .bitteprufen it, whether a gasket is inserted, danachschlieben it again the plug screw A and those needle valve b
    5. the stop valves on the original side and on the form side, which can be planned lie close-laterally, are to offnen umsich of the fact uberzeugen to konnen that the pressure-reducing valve imgeschlossenen was entitled (pressure-free cathedral) no leakages has.
    6. the needle valve C is to be offnen a half turn
    7.das needle valve b is completely slowly to offnen .das tax gas inden cathedral einstromen lets undden less printing on the manometer read off, until the gewunschte is reached sekundarfruck .dann is the needle valves b and C zuschlieben again .wenn the cathedral printing too hocn are adjusted, less printing from the cathedral to escape can .dabei can the less printing manometer be observed and with attained the gewunschten less printing
    nadelventil and plug again schlleben the pressure-reducing valve now and ready for use is

    浏览 416赞 139时间 2023-01-12
  • 小薰1988


    浏览 228赞 93时间 2022-08-13
