
bluebirdtang 2021-09-18 16:37 365 次浏览 赞 147


  • babycarolyn

    examine one’s conscience
    The ground was very slippery when the fox went across the fense. Luckily he could get hold of a rosebush that he hadn't slipped up.But his feet were stabbed by the rosebush and bled hard.The fox who got injured complained" you should not have done that, I asked you for help, but on the contrary you hurt me." The rosebush said"
    Fox,you are wrong.It's my nature to have stabs.You were not careful enough so you got hurt!"

    你好 Hello
    This was a small crossroad without any traffic lights or policemen.I pushed my bike and wanted to go across the road.
    There were so many buses , cars and taxies on the road , and there were lots of bikes on the two sides of the road.
    After long time ,I was weary of waiting ,the fire of anger burning in my heart.I tried to push forth my bike ,pressing hard the small bell of the bike ,showing that I wanted to make a way to go anyway.
    But at that time ,a foreign girl came to me by bike,with blond hair , blue eyes and white skin and she is so beautiful.She turned her face and gave me a sweet smile " hello!" she said so clearly.
    I was surprised , and replied at once "hello!"
    The foreign girl went away ,smiling .
    I was not weary any more, pushed back my bike and waited slently just like a pool of peaced water in the autumn.

    炉火 The fire
    One basin ,one piece of towel with the fire burning in the stove.
    The mother was washing the two-year-old daughter in the early winter night.
    Washed the little face ,then the back , and put the toilet powder equably on her body at last.She wanted drsssed her daughter and I looked for the clothes at the back of chair besides the stove.Oh,no.I forget drying them before washing.So I go and look for the clothes in the wooden box at once.
    "No". mother said gently.
    I turned around , and saw she took all the wearing from her bosom.
    "If dry the clothes too hot , the skin would turned red; if too cold the baby will get a cold.I dry them with my body ,and baby won't catch a cold."
    我听了,恍然大悟:冷暖相宜的炉火原来 是亲人的体温呀!
    Hearing that ,I tumbled to know that " the fire which is not too cold or too hot is the body heat of the parents."

    自作聪明think oneself clever
    There was a notice on the electrical pole in the Pudong district on the other day ,saying "my yellow-hair dog was lost and I am so worried.Because it has skin disease and I'm afraid it will infect people.I hope that who pick up the dog can set it free quickly."
    翌日, 寻狗启事下面多了一张获狗启事:日前,敝人获得一条黄毛犬,经医检查,一切正常。说明不是你家的病犬。我已替它另找新主人了。
    The second day , there was a new notice below the finding notice,saying " I has picked up a yellow -hair dog.After checking , the farrier proved that it is healthy.So it is not your sick dog.And I have found the new owner for it."
    The passers couldn't help to laugh when seeing these two notices,and an old men commented on them"the two persons all think themselves clever."

    浏览 455赞 113时间 2022-08-31
