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    - 相对论不只是抽象的理论,还可以被用来微晶片。工程师从爱因斯坦的想法中,持续做出各种创新的工具。

    作者╱吉布斯 ( W. Wayt Gibbs )

    - A new generation of technologies aims to put Einstein's theories to work in computers, hospitals—even submarines

    By W. Wayt Gibbs

    其实爱因斯坦也不是蔑视工程学,只是工程并非他的强项而已:他自己的发明,包括不含机械式运动零件的冰箱,以及防漏帮浦,从来没有进入量产阶段。不过没有关系,经过整个20世纪,其他人基於爱因斯坦的性想法,也建立了许多令人印象深刻的技术,其中最有名的想法,就是光以波包的形式传播,所有的光子总是遵守同一个速限c,而且能量和物质可以相互转换,以数学语言来表示,就是E = mc2(见36页〈天天遇见爱因斯坦〉)。
    In 1905 Albert Einstein was 26 and struggling to finish his doctoral dissertation on the size of molecules. To pay the bills, he worked at the Swiss patent office, analyzing the inventions of others. You would think his day job would have inspired Einstein to contemplate practical uses for the theories he was developing in his spare time. Yet he showed little inkling that year, as he published five of the most remarkable papers of his extraordinary career, that the new views of matter, energy and time he was urging would eventually inspire novel kinds of machines to advance human industry and health.
    It isn't that Einstein disdained engineering. It just wasn't his strong suit: his own inventions, including a refrigerator with no mechanical moving parts and a leak-proof pump, never advanced to mass production. No matter; over the course of the 20th century, others built an impressive range of technologies [see “Everyday Einstein,” by Philip Yam, on page 50] on Einstein's radical notions that light comes in individual packets, that those photons always obey a universal speed limit c, and that energy and matter can be interconverted: E = mc2, in mathematical shorthand.
    In the 21st century, engineers have begun to exploit those famous principles in new ways, perhaps most notably in designs for radically innovative computers. They are also finding practical applications for some of Einstein's lesser-known theories. Nanotechnologists, for example, are making devices that could speed up DNA analysis by harnessing the random motion of molecules, a phenomenon first correctly explained by Einstein in 1905. And laboratories around the world are creating exotic forms of matter that Einstein envisioned in 1925 in one of his classic “thought experiments.” These coherent swarms of ultracold atoms—the matter cousins to laser beams—could find use in portable atomic clocks, superprecise gyroscopes for navigation, and gravity sensors for mapping mineral lodes and oil fields.
    This article examines three of the newest and most exciting Einsteinian spin-offs emerging from research labs; more such innovations will certainly follow in the years and decades to come. Although nearly a century has passed since the master physicist began fashioning ter mathematical tools to describe the universe, there seems no end to the useful gadgets that clever inventors can make with them.

    相对论与自旋 Taking Relativity for a Spin
    1905年,爱因斯坦研究狭义相对论时所用的唯一一部计算机,就是装在他脑袋里的那部。在许多方面,那部生化机器要比任何计算机厉害得多了。当然,至今还没有任何半导体微处理器,可以和人脑的密度与能源效率相提并论:人脑大约有一公斤重,其中有1000兆个处理单元,可是使用的功率和产生的热量,却比Pentium 4微处理器还要小。
    在这个标准之下,即使是「行动」电脑也不算动得很快。不过电脑里的却够快。今年稍早美国加州圣巴巴拉分校由奥沙隆(David D. Awschalom)的研究,展示了一种利用相对论的方式,他们让半导体中快速运动的,表演出令人印象深刻的新把戏。
    THE ONLY COMPUTER that Einstein used to work out his special theory of relativity in 1905 was the one inside his skull. In many ways, that biochemical machine was far more capable than any electronic computer. Certainly no semiconductor microprocessor yet built can rival the density and energy efficiency of the human brain, which packs roughly a million billion processing elements into a one-kilogram package that uses less power and generates less heat than a Pentium 4 microprocessor.
    Indeed, heat and energy consumption today stand as the most formidable obstacles to the semiconductor industry as it seeks to produce ever more powerful microchips at the same unit cost. Within the next 20 years, the advance of digital silicon processors as we know them will hit fundamental economic and physical limits. Chipmakers will have little choice but to move to designs that exploit different principles of physics—those of special relativity, for example.
    On its face, that seems an odd combination. Special relativity is all about high-velocity motion. In the theory, Einstein discards the concepts of absolute time and absolute rest. The only constant, he asserts, is c, the speed at which light travels through empty space. That law has strange consequences for any object as it accelerates (relative to the observer). The object's length shortens, for example, and it seems to experience time more slowly than the observer does. If the object moves through a static electric field, it perceives the field as partially magnetic. These so-called relativistic effects are all minuscule, however, unless the object accelerates to a significant fraction of c, which is about 300 million meters per second.
    Even “mobile” computers don't move very fast by that standard. But the electrons inside them do. And earlier this year a group of physicists led by David D. Awschalom of the University of California at Santa Barbara demonstrated a way to exploit relativity to make the fast-moving electrons in semiconductors perform impressive new tricks.
    The work is at an early stage, roughly analogous to the construction of the first semiconductor logic gate some 40 years ago. But if engineers can figure out how to integrate millions of relativistic gates on a small silicon chip—and Awschalom is working with research groups at Intel and Hewlett-Packard to do just that—the result could be processors that run much faster than current models do, while consuming far less power and radiating far less heat.
    Even more dramatically, relativistic chips could employ logic that is more sophisticated than the binary operations all computers now use. In principle, these new machines could even modify the way they are wired, adapting almost instantaneously into a circuit customized for the task at hand. Imagine a cell phone, for example, that can reconfigure its transceiver to use any network in the world and that at the push of a button can reprogram its processor to translate speech from one language to another.
    Chips such as these could most likely be made in existing microprocessor factories. The secret ingredient is not some new material, but modern physics—behaviors described by the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics.

    磁的吸引力 The Magnetic Attraction
    美国爱荷华的物理学家弗拉提(Micheal E. Flatté)解释道,这个点子行得通,是因为「和外界的交互作用,就好像它随身带著一根小小的磁铁棒一样。」磁铁有S极N极。而就和地球绕著连接两极的轴自转一样,每颗也都具有磁指向,就是物理学家称为「自旋」的量子性质。这些粒子并非真的在旋转,不过它们的表现确实很像是个小陀螺仪。把磁力加在上,的两极会开始进动——它的转轴本身会绕圈圈。把磁场拿掉,的自旋就定住了(见左页〈磁的魔术〉)。弗拉提说:「利用这种效应,把自旋从指向往上的状态进动到往下,你就可以把所带的资讯位元从1变成0。」
    学以改变数量与能量的方式,在电路中移动资讯,而刚萌芽的自旋学(spintronics)则将编在自旋的指向中,并且用各种扭转自旋的方式来做逻辑运算(2002年9月号〈前途无量的自旋〉)。摩托罗拉从今年开始量产一种自旋记忆晶片,叫做MRAM(magnetic RAM,磁性随机存取记忆体)。和一般的电脑记忆体不同,MRAM晶片在电源中断时不会损失;电源再度打开前,的自旋会一直保持在它的指向上。
    CONVENTIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR microchips operate based on “classical” 19th-century theories of electromagnetism. Silicon wafers are zapped with ions, which form tiny islands with either an excess or a dearth of electrons. Voltages, applied to microscopic electrodes built up around these islands, push and pull electrons in and out of these regions, opening and closing the logic gates and regulating the flow of electric current through them.
    Shoving large numbers of electrons around is imprecise—some shoot out in random directions, wasting energy—and it creates lots of collisions, which produce heat. For more than a decade now, physicists have been experimenting with a subtler alternative: using magnetic forces, rather than electric fields, to manipulate the electrons.
    This can work, explains physicist Michael E. Flatté of the University of Iowa, because “an electron acts as if it carries around with it a little bar magnet.” Magnets have north and south poles, and just as the earth spins around the axis that connects its poles, an electron, too, has a magnetic orientation, a quantum property that physicists call “spin.” The particles don't actually rotate, but they do behave like little gyroscopes. Apply magnetic force to an electron, and its poles will precess—the axis itself rotates in a circle. Remove the field, and the electron holds its spin steady [see box on opposite page]. “By using this effect to precess the spin from pointing up to pointing down, you can change the bit of information carried by that electron from a 1 to a 0,” Flatté says.
    Whereas electronics move information around by changing the number and energy of electrons in a circuit, the nascent field of spintronics encodes data in the orientation of electrons and performs logical operations by twisting their spins this way and that [see “Spintronics,” by David D. Awschalom, Michael E. Flatté and Nitin Samarth; Scientific American, June 2002]. This year Motorola began mass-producing spintronic memory chips, called MRAM (for magnetic RAM). Unlike conventional computer memories, the MRAM chips do not lose their data if power is interrupted; the electron spins simply hold their position until power returns.
    Spintronic devices are easy on batteries, because spin-flipping operations consume very little power and the chips can shut off ween operations. Changing an electron's spin adds virtually no kinetic energy to the particle, so the circuits produce almost no heat. And the process is exceedingly fast: experimental devices have turned electrons on their heads in a few picoseconds (trillionths of a second).
    Until recently, however, all spintronic devices have required ferromagnetic metals, which do not mesh well with current microchip production techniques. “It's difficult to imagine how you could build little magnets at millions of places on a chip and control each one individually—not impossible, but difficult,” Awschalom says. “It would be much nicer to use the trillions of dollars' worth of electronics gating technology that already exists and to use electric fields, not magnetic fields, to play with spins.”

    突破0与1的 From Bits to Phits
    「同调」是这里的关键字,因为它提出了自旋晶片最有趣的可能性:超越只有0与1两个数字的位元,而达到相位元(phase digit, phit)的境界,而有更大范围的数值可取。的相位就是它自旋所指向的方向。把它想成罗盘的指针好了:假如微晶片可以分辨一自旋分别指向东、西、南、北方向的,那麼每个相位元就可以是0或1、或2或3。
    去年,德国柏林德鲁得固态研究所的柯克(Reinhold Koch)与他的研究,发表了一个运用自旋逻辑元件的设计,它能在软体的控制下改变自己的功能。在某个时刻它可以是布林(Boolean)运算的AND闸,几奈秒(10-9秒)之后,它又可以转变成一个OR闸、NOR闸或NAND闸。
    ENTER EINSTEIN and his curious notion that an electric field can look distinctly magnetic to a high-speed electron. In work published this past January, Awschalom's group showed that layering two semiconductors of slightly different composition on top of one another strains the chip in ways that set up an internal electric field. The field has high and low spots that act like a corral to herd electrons as they pass through the semiconductor. “And because of relativity, that electric field looks like a partially magnetic field to the passing electrons,” he notes. The electrons' spins start to precess like wobbly gyroscopes.
    “We can control the electrons in two ways,” Awschalom continues. “One way is to change the voltage, which affects the speed at which the electrons travel. The faster they move, the larger the effective magnetic field seems to them” and the faster their spins precess. The second trick exploits the fact that the strain varies with direction. “We can also operate on electrons by carefully designing the shape and direction of the wire that sets their path,” he says.
    In the January paper, the group described using pulses of laser light to align the orientation of incoming electrons—thus creating the spintronic bits—as well as to measure their spins. “The next step is to create them, move them around and detect them all in one electric device. That's a substantial step, but we've done that now,” Awschalom reports. “The device uses the same small voltages currently used in CMOS computer chips. Electrons instantaneously polarize their spins when they hit the strained part of the semiconductor. We can then flip their spins back and forth coherently” by turning gate electrodes on or off.
    “Coherently” is the key word here, because it raises the intriguing possibility of spintronic chips that go beyond bits—the binary digits 0 and 1—to “phits,” or phase digits, which can take on a wider range of values. The phase of an electron is simply the direction in which its spin points. Think of it as the needle of a compass: if a microchip can distinguish groups of electrons with north-, south-, east- and west-pointing spins, then each phit could be a 0 or a 1—or a 2 or a 3.
    “The more precisely you can read the phase, the more dramatically you can increase the density of data storage,” Awschalom points out. “Whether it increases by a factor of 50 or by 10,000 depends on how precisely you can read that angle.” Thanks to decades of wo

    浏览 223赞 154时间 2022-05-04

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